
Connecting GoPro via USB Cable

Available in dslrBooth for Windows version 7.45 and newer, GoPro 10, 11 and 12 will be able to connect via USB cable. 

To connect your GoPro over USB:

  1. Make sure GoPro Webcam application is not installed. If it installed, uninstall it, then restart the computer.
  2. Connect your GoPro to your computer using a USB cable.
  3. Turn on your GoPro. It will automatically appear in the drop down list as the selected camera.

If the camera does not appear in the drop down list, take the following steps:

  1. In GoPro Settings, click on Connections.
  2. Choose Reset Connection.
  3. The camera will show the USB CONNECTED message on the computer screen again and dslrBooth will able to detect the camera.
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