
2x6 Print Layout

If you’re printing to 2×6 paper, you can now design your strip as a 2×6 and LumaBooth will create a 4×6 print for printing on a 4×6 printer which cuts the strip.

Set your print layout to 2×6 and make sure to check the option for print 2 copies per page. This allows users to send a single digital copy while printing two 2×6 strips on a single 4×6 page.



Scale and Alignment of prints

Sometimes when printing, the printer is not perfectly aligned and can leave your print not centered and not filling the entire paper. Start by going to Settings > Print Setup, tapping Reset to go back to the default settings, then Print test page. The test page will show you whether the print out is misaligned and will provide instructions on what to do to fix the alignment. Based on that, you can adjust your print alignment by using the sliders to adjust Scale, Horizontal and Vertical positions.

You will need to update to the newest version of LumaBooth Assistant to be able to use this feature.


Cutting 2x6 Paper

See Printing 2x6 Strips with LumaBooth Assistant.


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