
My photos/videos have not completed uploading and are missing from

Your photos and videos get uploaded from our dslrBooth and LumaBooth apps as fast as you internet connection can handle. If you have a slow WiFi connection or unstable internet connection, the booth apps will take longer to upload your files. As long as you keep the booth app running while there is a connection to the internet, your files will continue to upload.

To see the upload status if your files,

  • Open dslrBooth or LumaBooth (not LumaShare).
  • Go to Settings, Sharing Status.
  • As the files upload, they will be marked as complete. Pending means, the booth app is in the process of uploading them.

The files will upload when the booth app is opened, the device is on and connected to the internet. The speed of upload will depend on your upload speed.

Additionally, email and SMS shares will also queue and send out when there is an internet connection.

If there are no pending uploads but you find that there are missing photos/videos in fotoShare Cloud, go to the start screen, click on the browse icon in the top left, verify that the photos/videos you are looking for are still present in the booth app. If the photos/videos are missing, then most likely your guests used the Retake function to delete them from the app which cannot be undone. For future events, the Retake function can be disabled under Settings, Sharing screen.

If the browse button is missing, you can turn it on under Settings, Display, Allow browse button.

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