
LumaBooth How-to Overview

To begin using LumaBooth, click on Create an account. Put in your email address and create a password. Click Sign Up.

Create a new event

Create a new event by typing in your event name. Click customize settings.


Edit welcome screen

Theme: Select your theme color and theme. The theme color will change the color of the capture buttons as well as primary buttons and border colors throughout the event. 

Choose the theme to change the look of the start screen.

Background: Change the Color of the background to use a solid color for the welcome screen background.

Change the Background image by choosing an image from your iPad gallery. 

Font: Select the font type, color and size for the Title and Subtitle. 

Hide all text: Check hide all text to remove the text from the welcome screen.

Allow browse button: Check allow browse button to display previous photos/videos in the upper left corner of the screen. This allows you or guests to go back to previous photos to view, share and print them.


Print Layout

Create and customize your print layout to be used with photo sessions.

Preset: Choose a preset layout from one of our 14 preset layouts. 

Add objects to the layout. Choose between Photo from booth, Image from roll, Text and Survey Answer.

Photo from booth: Add a photo from booth to take more photos per session. (Max 4 photos)

When selecting Photo from booth, choose the orientation in the upper right corner of the Selected item box. 

Adjust the height and width by either resizing with two fingers or typing in the Width and Height dimensions. 

Rotate the photo from booth by using two fingers or typing in the angle degree.

Click Duplicate to duplicate the photo or click Delete to delete the photo.

Text: Add text to your print. 

Type in your text. Select your font type and color. While selecting color, choose a color using the color picker or type in the HEX code for your color. 

Resize text using two fingers.

Rotate the text by using two fingers or type in the angle degree.

Click Duplicate to duplicate the text or click Delete to delete the text.

Image from roll: Add an image from your iPad gallery to the print layout. Choose either jpg or pong files.

Resize the image by using two fingers or typing in the Width and Height dimensions. 

Rotate the image by using two fingers or type in the angle degree.

Click Duplicate to duplicate the image or click Delete to delete the image.

Survey answer: Add a survey answer to the print layout.

Select your font type and color. While selecting color, choose a color using the color picker or type in the HEX code for your color. 

Resize text using two fingers.

Rotate the survey answer by using two fingers or type in the angle degree.

Click Duplicate to duplicate the survey answer or click Delete to delete the survey answer.

Layering: Use Bring forward and Send backward buttons to layer items in the print layout.

Recent: Choose Recent to choose a previously made print layout.

Import & Export: Import and Export print layouts from LumaBooth. 

Import created layouts that you created in LumaBooth or dslrBooth. Video Tutorial.

Export your current layout by clicking on the export option.

Information on how to use Import and Export, click here. 


Capture Mode

Choose the different sessions guests can choose from.

Photo: Capture photos for print.

GIF: Capture photos for GIF.

Boomerang: Record a short video that will automatically loop.

Video: Record up to 60 second videos.


Capture Settings

Customize your capture settings by adding overlays, setting countdown times and photo delays.

Photo: Set the countdown for Before photo 1 and Before photos (all others). Use the slider to adjust the countdown.

Set the Delay Each Photo to adjust the amount of time the photo appears on the screen after it is captured.

GIF: Add overlays to the GIFs. Click the + button to choose png files from your iPad gallery.

Check Reverse to play the GIF both forward and backwards in a loop.

Set the countdown for Before photo 1 and Before photos (all others). Use the slider to adjust the countdown.

Set the Delay Each Photo to adjust the amount of time the photo appears on the screen after it is captured.

Choose the amount of photos you would like to capture by sliding the Capture slider. 

Choose the Delay between frames for the GIF to choose the speed.

Boomerang: Set the countdown by adjusting the slider.

Set the Delay between frames to adjust how fast the boomerangs plays.

Customize the Display text before recording.

Customize the Recording text that displays while the boomerang records.

Add overlays to the Boomerangs. Click the + button to choose png files from your iPad gallery.

Video: Set the countdown for before the video. Use the slider to adjust the countdown.

Customize the video length up to 60 seconds.

Customize the Display text before recording.

Add Pre and Post roll videos from your iPad gallery to your video. Choose an png image from your iPad gallery to add as an overlay. 


Green Screen

Turn on Green screen.

Choose the Color to remove by selecting the droplet. Select the green in the camera preview.

Use the Smoothness and Sensitivity sliders to adjust the amount of green that shows through.

Reset the settings by clicking Reset.

Add a background image(s) and overlay(s) from the iPad gallery. Backgrounds should be jpg images and overlays pngs.

To delete a background, click on the background and click the trashcan.

Image Selection: Allow guests to choose their background or have the backgrounds cycle through automatically.

Quality: Select Higher to allow for higher quality or Smoother for faster processing.



Check Beauty mode to turn on the smoothing effect. 


Camera settings

Turn on camera settings to manually adjust the camera.

Adjust the Shutter speed and ISO sliders to adjust the brightness.

Adjust the Temperature and Tint sliders to adjust the coloring.

Click Reset to have the camera automatically choose the best settings. 


Print setup

Print automatically: Choose to have the photos print automatically at the end of a session.

Display print button: Allow guests to print their photos from the sharing screen.

Select print method

  • AirPrint: Choose this option to print to airprinters. Click Configure Printer to choose your printer.
  • Classic Printer Shared with LumaBooth Assistant: Choose this option if using a printer that is plugged into a computer running LumaBooth Assistant. When using this option, make sure LumaBooth assistant is running on the computer.
  • DNP WPS Pro: Use this option when using DNP printers and the WPS Pro. More Info.


Email: Enable email to appear as an option on the share screen.

Reply-to: Set your reply to email address

Subject: Set the subject of your email

HTML Body: Create your personalized email using the Image, Attached Image Url,

Fotoshare Url and Sharing Icons. Add your own html code to personalize further.

Send Test Email: Type in an email to send a test email to see what your email looks like.


SMS: Enable SMS to be able to send texts from the share screen.

Message: Customize the message that sends with the SMS.

Country code: Type in the correct country code. 


Sharing Settings

QR Code: Enable QR Code to have the qr code appear on the share screen for


AirDrop: Enable airdrop to be able to send photos/gifs to other Apple devices.

Twitter: Enable Twitter to allow guests to share to their twitter accounts. Customize the message that is sent with the twitter post.

Sharing screen: Set the Timeout on sharing screen using the slider. 


Virtual Attendant

Create an interactive photobooth using virtual attendant. Use audio and video files for an interactive experience.

Turn on Virtual attendant.

Style: Choose the style you would like to use. Choose from the 6 built in audio styles or the video mirror booth style. Select Custom to use your own animations and audio files.

Start Screen: Select a video file to play on the start screen before a session is started. Note only videos can be played on the start screen.

Before Capture: Select your audio or video to play before Pictures 1 -4. Choose Randomize to have the audios/videos play randomly.

After Capture: Select your audio or video to play after Pictures 1 -4 are captured. Choose Randomize to have the audios/videos play randomly.

Processing: Select your audio or video to play during and after processing.

End of Session: Select your audio or video to play once the sharing screen timeout has run out. 



Click the + Question button to add a question. 

Type in your question. Choose your Answer type: Short answer, Long answer or Multiple choice. With multiple choice, type in the different answer options.

Require: Require certain questions to be answered. If a question is required, guests will not be able to move onto the sharing screen until the question is answered. 

Click View responses. Save the responses as a CSV file to apps on the iPad (notepad, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.)

Click Delete responses to delete saved survey responses. 



Turn on Disclaimer to have guests accept a disclaimer before moving on to the sharing screen.

Customize the disclaimer text to your liking.

Customize the Note that will appear if guests choose to not agree to the disclaimer.

Customize the Agreement and Cancel text. 


Sharing status

Sharing stats for Email, SMS, Twitter, Print and Airdrop.

Total: The amount of shares sent for all events.

Today: Amount of shares from current event/day.

Pending: Shares that are in pending and have not yet been sent.

Click the X button to reset shares. This will cancel any shares in Pending.

Click the detail icon for information on the shares and errors for shares. 


Lock Pin

Set a lock pin to prevent guests from changing event settings. 


About LumaBooth

Check the App version.

Click Help me to go to our support page.

Click Delete app data to delete app data and restart the app.



Access your account log in.

Cancel your subscription or Restore your subscription. 

Manage your account. 


Saved Events

View Saved events by clicking on the top menu drop down. Click Go to saved events.

Click Copy event settings to create a new event with the same settings as the current event.

Click Launch Event to launch the event that is selected.

Click + New Event to create a brand new event.

Select the Settings cog in the lower right corner to Rename or Delete an event. 





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  • 0
    bandit chanthon

    hello , i have a problem my lumabooth can not insert overlay on gif file please help me Thank you

  • 0
    bandit chanthon

  • 0
    Jaswin Moodley

    New and looking to get lumabooth and share

    Will iphone 14 pro for the capture work ? And iPad pro 12.9 2nd Gen for the sharing ?

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