With dslrBooth, guests can share via email, SMS, or QR code.
To set up your Sharing Settings in dslrBooth, go to Settings > Sharing Settings.
FotoShare Cloud
Turn ON “Enhanced Sharing” to allow all the events' Photos and Videos automatically upload to the FotoShare cloud site.
You can access fotoshare.co by logging in with your email and password.
If you have not yet make an account, go to fotoshare.co and click on Login/Register and choose Create an Account.
The QR code sharing option can be enabled when enhanced sharing is on. QR Code sharing requires an internet connection.
Turn ON “Upload Original Photos.” All original photos will be automatically uploaded to FotoShare cloud.
Turn ON email sharing.
Turn on Mask Email to hide guests’ email during input.
Add a From email, Subject, and Email body.
In the email body, add your custom text as well as the Image, Attached Image Url, Fotoshare Url, and Sharing Icons tags.
Click Send test email to send yourself a copy of the email. The received email will contain the print, GIF, boomerang, or video as an attachment. In the case the video is too large, the email will contain a link to view the video on Fotoshare Cloud.
Turn on SMS sharing.
To set up your Twilio account, see here:
Add your customized SMS message, country code, and From number.
Add your Account SID and Auth Token you receive from Twilio.
The received SMS message will contain the shared print, GIF, boomerang, or video.
Sharing Screen
With dslrBooth, you can customize the Sharing Screen for your event.
Go to Settings > Screen Editor > Sharing Screen.
Add Text and Image to your Sharing Screen and edit them.
Add the QR code to your sharing screen for your guests to scan.
Customize the Sharing Screen Settings:
- Turn ON the Done Button to close sharing screen after sharing is complete.
- Customize the location of the Sharing Icons.
- Set duration to display Sharing Screen.
- Turn ON/OFF Show Original Photos.
- Turn ON/OFF Retake button.
- Turn ON the sharing buttons you want displayed. (Email, SMS, QR code, Print).
Make unique Sharing Buttons
You can now customize your sharing icons to match your event.
Go to Settings > Screen Editor > Sharing Screen.
Select a sharing icon to customize it:
- Edit the size and rotation of the icon
- Upload a JPG or PNG image to change the icon of the sharing button
Edit the font, size and color of the text
Check out how to customize your sharing screen as well as welcome screen below.