Press F11. If using a touch screen monitor or mouse, click on the unlock button in the top right hand corner of the start screen.
Exit full screen mode
Lucy martell F11 , f or escape do not work for my laptop .. I have the toshiba windows touch screen laptop .. And everytime I full screen I have to sign out of my computer to get out of full screen !!! Please help !!
Michael Triple click on the top left hand corner very quickly and it'll exit full screen.
Videosrvc Try holding down the Fn key which is to the left of the windows key and press F11 this is how I change from full screen to small and back to full screen.
cedric Lucy Martell, have you solved your problem? i have the same problem with a toshiba laptop. I just can't get out of full screen when the laptop is in tablet mode. I triple clicked on the screen but nothing. Can somebody help me please??
cedric Is it possible to choose how to get out of the ful screen mode on the software?
mathilde.brossard Hello, so is there different way to exit full screen mode? We are working on a touch screen booth. Thanks in advance
Ivan JP Press ctrl+alt+break
mcgeneroso Press ctrl+alt+break
Not working
mcgeneroso I think the best solution to this is extended monitor
Ivan JP Are you pressing them all the same time? Well, ctrl+alt+break works for me. Either esc or F11 does not.
mcgeneroso Yes Ivan JP
Ewa H Hello, I have a problem with a full screen, after using the F11 a thin frame appears around which sets the size of the monitor, did you have such a problem?
BGBI I also got stuck in fullscreen mode in Windows 10. None of the suggestions here did the trick.
I eventually was able to exit with Windows Key + Down Arrow (minimize app). If you don't have the ability to move the window with the title bar, try entering full screen again and use that key combo again. Hope that helps.
Gulshan karariya Exit Full Screen Mode PFTrack : Ctrl + Alt + F
Aleksander Cześć utknąłem w ekranie pełnoekranowym w Gameloopa na laptopie Marka to Dell. Proszę o pomoc szybką.
Aleksander Dziękuję ci BGBI dzięki tobie wyszłem.