Green Screen allows for 360 degree photos that you can share on Facebook.
We highly recommend that you test your background image first by uploading it to your facebook profile page to make sure that it has the proper metadata and that facebook and interpret it as a 360 image. Once you have confirmed this, you can proceed to adding the background under Green Screen Settings just like regular backgrounds. (360 background image must have been taken with a 360 camera or contains spherical 360 EXIF metadata.) More Information
Go to Settings > Green Screen > Add Background. Choose a 360 screen background from your computer.
Test out this feature with our sample 360 background from a cave in Sicily. Download 360 Background
Run a session with green screen turned on. On the share screen, click on Photos thumbnail on the sharing screen and choose a photo. Share to Facebook.
If you set your print template dimensions to have a 2:1 aspect ratio, dslrBooth will also add the needed metadata to upload the final print directly to facebook and have it interpreted as a 360 image.