
Completely Uninstall dslrBooth for Mac

Warning: This will delete all your settings, pending shares and statistics.

To completely uninstall dslrBooth for Mac:

Go to Pictures\dslrBooth and copy all templates to a new folder on your desktop.

  1. Open dslrBooth, go to Settings, Reset Settings, Reset All Settings.
  2. Find all versions of dslrBooth that you have and delete them then empty your Trash.
  3. Go to:
    Finder, Menu, Go, Go to folder:
    ~/Library/Application Support/dslrBooth
    Delete all files here.
  4. Go to Spotlight, search for: Terminal and open it.
    Enter in:
    defaults delete com.dslrbooth.dslrbooth
    Press ENTER

Then download and install the latest version from

Start dslrBooth and re-enter your registration information.

Click Images -> Templates. Paste the previously copied templates here. 

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