Warning: This will delete all your settings, pending shares and statistics.
To completely uninstall dslrBooth for Mac:
Go to Pictures\dslrBooth and copy all templates to a new folder on your desktop.
- Open dslrBooth, go to Settings, Reset Settings, Reset All Settings.
- Find all versions of dslrBooth that you have and delete them then empty your Trash.
- Go to:
Finder, Menu, Go, Go to folder:
~/Library/Application Support/dslrBooth
Delete all files here. - Go to Spotlight, search for: Terminal and open it.
Enter in:
defaults delete com.dslrbooth.dslrbooth
Then download and install the latest version from http://dslrbooth.com/download
Start dslrBooth and re-enter your registration information.
Click Images -> Templates. Paste the previously copied templates here.