
Drag & Drop Photos

dslrBooth has made it easy to drag and drop photos to re-process a session or simply to send your client a sample of the final templates with Photos.


You can also see this quick tutorial video below for step by step instructions.

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  • 1
    Permanently deleted user

    Hi Simon,

    In dslrBooth, you will need to click on Green Screen Settings and click Add Background. Then add the backgrounds you would like to use. Please note that 50 backgrounds at one time will be a lot to choose from.


    In the green screen settings, change it from auto to manual and you can use the sensitivity and smoothness sliders to change the amount of green that shows through. At the bottom change it to Allow Guests to Choose. Then exit.


    On the start screen guests can then choose the background they want to use and start their session. When the photos are taken it will replace the green background with the background photo they chose.


    To replace already taken images with the green screen image, you can drag and drop the already taken images into the start screen of dslrBooth. You can crag and drop the amount of images that are in the template (example: 4 images in the template, you can drag 4 images into the start screen)

    Edited by Permanently deleted user
  • 0

    I can't seem to get the above screen. All that I can view is the "Touch to Start" screen. It's completely black, with "Touch to Start" in center. That's it.

    The screen in your video seems non-existent to mine. Possible to give a step-by-step instruction on how to get the drag and drop to work?

    Using Mac version.

  • 0

    Mac version has a file menu instead of the top toolbar. Make sure you're not in full screen and you can drag and drop images that way.

  • 0
    Liu Sze Yin

    Do u have a demo video for MAC version for the drag and drop function?


  • 0

    Drag and drop works exactly the same for the Mac version.

  • 0
    Mark Ogden

    To change the order of the photos when you drag and drop, you have to change the file names? Is there an easier way?

  • 0
    Simon Vermeulen



    So basically I can do the following:

    Have my photographer take 50 green screen pictures.
    He hands over the SD card to me, I insert it into the PC and I can just drag the 50 green screens into DSLR and choose a selfmade background.

    Once dragged & dropped, DSLR will automatically process the green screen, remove it, drop the people on the picture onto the background and print them out instantly?

    Edited by Simon Vermeulen
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