
What is LumaShare for iPad/iPhone?

LumaShare is an iOS app that runs on your iPad/iPhone. It downloads images created by dslrBooth or LumaBooth and allows your guests to view and share the photos and videos from the booth app. This frees up your booth and allows your guests more access to your images.

LumaShare downloads images directly from dslrBooth or LumaBooth if both are on the same network. If not on the same network, LumaShare will download your prints from dslrBooth's servers provided you have Enhanced Sharing turned on in dslrBooth.

You can find more info on the main site.

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    How does Fotoshare connect to my tablet / photo booth?

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    Click Design Studio

    Can i use photoshare whit a windows systheme? And how i connect both of them?

  • 0

    fotoShare downloads images directly from dslrBooth whether on PC or Mac if both are on the same network. If not on the same network, fotoShare will download your prints from dslrBooth's servers provided you have Enhanced Sharing turned on in dslrBooth.


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