The Lamabot Robot must have been purchased from our online store or from our one of our resellers. You will also need a robot stand which our resellers can ship out to most countries.
You'll also need:
- Recommended Sony camera and 15-20ft usb3 cable. Camera cage if not using Sony FX3 to mount camera from the top. Camera Quick Release
- dslrBooth LamaBoth subscription - Your purchase comes with a 3 or 6 month subscription.
- Laptop
- Windows computer running Windows 11
- Minimum of 8GB of RAM and 4 Performance Cores
- Nvidia Graphics Card
- Ethernet port for connecting the robot
- 1920x1080 display
- Robot Weight: 14 kg (30.9 lbs)
- Maximum Payload: 5 kg (11 lbs)
- Working Radius: 850 mm (33.5 in)
Voltage Requirements: 110V - 220V
Power Consumption: Typical 230W. Maximum 770W.
Assembling your LamaBot
Connecting your LamaBot
Use dslrBooth with LamaBot
Go to Settings, Capture settings, and turn on LamaBot. Follow the instructions on-screen to connect to your LamaBot.
The Sony camera needs to be connected with a USB cable. You can find instructions on configuring the Sony camera here:
Troubleshooting Steps
Robot IP Address
The default robot IP address is used and does not need to be changed. If you changed it using any 3rd party apps, please change it back to:
Robot Mode
dslrBooth needs the robot to be in TCP/IP mode to communicate with it. In some instances, the factory ships out the robot in the wrong mode. dslrBooth will let you know if that is the case while connecting to the robot.
You can configure the correct robot mode to TCP/IP Secondary development using the following steps:
- Install DoBot Studio
- Connect to robot with an ethernet cable from LAN 1 on controller to laptop.
- Connect to robot using DoBot Studio
- Go to Settings > Nova > Remote Control
Contact our support team if you have any questions.