
How to Get Started: dslrBooth Summary


[PC] Indicates features only available in the PC Version

Using the template editor:

While creating your template there are a few key features that can be used.

  • Adding graphics/logo: Click on IMAGE on the left side of the editor. Choose the graphic/logo from your computer and place it where you would like in the template. 
  • Adding text: Click on TEXT on the left side of the editor. Type in what you would like to say then click in the Options panel on the right to change the font type and color.
  • Adding a photo placeholder: Click on PHOTO FROM BOOTH on the left hand side to add a photo placeholder. This is where your photos that are taken will appear in the template.
  • Layers: Once you have added your graphics, text and placeholders click in the layers panel on the right to bring forward and send back the different layers. To do this, click on a layer and drag it up or down (similar to photoshop)
  • Align and Distribute: Using the buttons on the right side of the editor, you can align the tops of your elements. Please click here for a tutorial. 
  • Size and Orientation: In the lower left of the template editor you can change the orientation of the template as well as the size (Pro only)
  • Import and Export: To import a dslrBooth template, click on Import at the top and select the zip file. To export, once you create a template click the Export button at the top to save it as a zip file on your computer.
  • Accessing older templates: Click on the template name at the top. Any created templates will be in the drop down.



  • Stats: Here you will find the counts for Prints, Uploads and Shares. Clicking on View Shares will give you an Excel file of the shares. Clicking Reset Stats will set all shares to 0.
  • Booth Mode: Choose what guests can choose from on the start screen. Print + Gif, Print, Gif, Boomerang or Video.
  • Effects: Effects are applied once the photos are taken. You can set the effects to automatic and then check an effect in the list below or set it to User's Choice and then check off multiple effects for guests to choose from.
  • [PC] Post Processing: Create your own Photoshop droplet to apply your own personal effect to the photos. Click here for full instructions. 
  • Options: Put in a 4-digit pin that can be used to unlock the software when in full screen. Enable or Disable the Virtual Keyboard if using a touch screen computer. Show Welcome Screen can be enabled or disabled.
  • Disclaimer: Enable the disclaimer which guests will have to agree to before they can receive their photos. If a guest decides to not agree, their photos will be deleted. Disclaimer is customizable.
  • Directory: Change where the photos are saved to on your device. Here you can also set up a Real Time Export of a second set of photos to a different place on your device, external hard drive or sharing site. (Mac has hot folder option)
  • [PC] Triggers: Useful for integrating lights, sounds and other applications to be used with dslrBooth. Call application or URL when certain events happen in dslrBooth. Click here for further help.


  • Auto Trigger Camera: Checking this off will allow the camera to automatically trigger at the end of the countdown. If unchecked, at the end of the countdown you can click on the camera shutter button to take the photos.
  • [PC] Enable Webcams: Enabling this will allow the use of webcams. If disabled only dslr cameras can be used.
  • [PC] Webcam Resolution: Using the slider you can allow for quicker framerate or higher quality.
  • LiveView: Enabling Liveview will allow guests to see themselves before the photo is taken. 
  • Mirror Image: Enabling this will show the live view as if the guest was looking in a mirror.
  • Rotation: This will rotate the live view 90, 180, or 270 degrees for vertical live view options.
  • Display on Start Screen: This will show the live view at all times, appearing on the start screen until the photo is taken.
  • Canon Auto Exposure: When enabled it will automatically adjust live view exposure when using flash on a lower end Canon.
  • [PC] Canon Delay Capture: Delays capture at the end of countdown to avoid camera busy errors with some Canon models.


  • Print Automatically: Enable this to automatically print photos at the end of the session
  • Show Print Button: Enable this to allow guests to select the print button to print their photos at the end of the session.
  • Autorotate to fit: Enable this for the printer to automatically set the orientation based on the template orientation.
  • [PC] Positioning Sliders: After clicking on Print Test Page or printing a template, you can use the sliders to adjust how the print sits on the page. This helps with unnecessary borders or photos that bleed off the page.
  • Max Prints Per Session: Set the max amount of prints per session. Stops guests from printing too many copies. Check the Hide Print Button to remove the print button once the max prints has been met.
  • Max Prints Per Event: Set the amount of prints per event.
  • fotoShare for iPad: Notice will turn green when the fotoShare app is connected and using the printer connected to dslrBooth.


  • Start App in Full Screen: Enable this for the app to automatically start in full screen. 
  • Background Color: Change the color of the background using the colors in the drop down.
  • Start Screen Image: Click on the Browse button to upload an image you would like to be seen on the start screen. (Jpg and Png files only)
  • Template: Change from Use last opened template to Allow Guests To Choose. Use Last Opened Template uses one template, where Allowing Guests To Chose gives guests the option to choose between different favorited templates.
  • Display Browse Button: Enabling this button shows the previous photos from the event.
  • [PC] Unlock Button Opacity: Lighten or Darken the unlock button on the start screen.
  • [PC] Start Session Trigger: Choose how you want to trigger the session/camera. Choosing only f13 (cannot be unchecked) allows you to use a remote/usb button for triggering.
  • Countdown before photo 1 and other photos: Set the number of seconds before photo 1 and the other photos.
  • Duration to Display Photo: Change the number of seconds a photo is displayed after it is taken.
  • Countdown Color: Change the color from white to another color.
  • Show Thumbnails Photos: Uncheck this box to remove the thumbnail of the original photos from the share screen.
  • Photo Thumbnail Location: Change the location of the photo thumbnails from the bottom.
  • Say Cheese Image: Upload an image that will appear right before the photo is taken. 
  • Final Screen Timeout: Change the number of seconds the share screen will show before going back to the start screen.
  • Hide Done Button: Checking this box will remove the done button. The screen will go back to the start screen once the timer has run out.
  • [PC] Sharing Icons Location: Change the location of the sharing icons.
  • Show Original Photos: Uncheck this to remove the original photos from the share screen. 
  • Text: Change the text that shows during prompts in the software.


  • FotoShare Cloud: Check Enhanced Sharing to be able to send SMS, Emails and QR Codes.
  • Event Name: Change the event name here to save the photos from different events into one album on
  • QR Code: Check the box to allow for QR codes to be scanned to print. See a tutorial here. 
  • Sharing Options
    • Email: Enable this option. Then fill out the Subject Line and Body to personalize your email to guests. Change the From address to your own. In the email body you can place in the image tag, attached image tag, fotoshare url and the sharing icons. Check the Mark E-mail box if wanting to mask guests' emails as they input them on a virtual keyboard.
    • Twitter: Enable this option and include a message to go along with the tweet. Once the photos are taken, guests can click on the Twitter button, log in and share the photo. They will automatically be logged out. Internet is required.
    • SMS: Enable this feature and include a message to include in the text. To use SMS you will need to set up a Twilio account. For information on this, please click here.
    • Facebook Page (Professional): Automatically send photos to a specified Facebook page. Enable the feature and log into the Facebook account connected to the page. Choose the page from the drop down then click Album. Type in an album name for the photos to upload to.


  • GIF (High Resolution): A gif will be created using the number of photos in your template, however a print will not be created.
  • Boomerang: Will create a 1 second video then slow it down based on the delay setting. When using boomerang a print will not be created.
  • Delay Between Frames: Choose whether to have a fast or slow frame rate by moving the slider left and right.
  • GIF Size: Choose between Regular and Large, depending on your preferred pixel size.
  • Reverse: Enable this feature to play the gif forwards and then backwards.
  • Number of Photo in GIF: When using GIF Only, set the number of photos in the GIF. Settings > GIF. Note that if booth mode is set to Print + Gif, the number of photos is set by the number of booth photos in the template.
  • Overlays: Upload an overlay to be placed on top of the gifs. We recommend creating the overlay to the size of the gif size. 
  • Check out this article for more information on GIFs.

Virtual Attendant: Using this feature allows you to have audio or video cues for your guests.

  • Audio options: Click on the STYLE drop down and choose between American Female or Male, British Female or Male or Deutsch Female or Male. Each audio has the same sounds however with a different accent or language. On the left side of the virtual attendant settings you will see the mp3 files. Drag and drop these into the different sections in virtual attendant (start screen, during processing, before capture, etc)
  • [PC] Video - MirrorBooth: Click on the STYLE drop down and choose Video - MirrorBooth White to have a choice between 10 video animations. Drag and drop the mp4 files on the left side of the virtual attendant settings into the  different sections in virtual attendant (start screen, during processing, before capture, etc)
  • [PC] Custom: This option allows for you to upload your own mp3 and mp4 animations to dslrBooth.Click on the STYLE drop down and choose Custom. Then click on the BROWSE button to the right to choose the folder where your animations/sounds are located (they must be in a folder). The animations/sounds will then upload to the left side of the virtual attendant where you can then drag and drop them into the different sections in virtual attendant (start screen, during processing, before capture, etc).
  • [PC] Shop Media: Click here to go to purchase our black background vertical animations.
  • [PC] Signature: In the template editor, click on Session Data and choose Signature. Place the signature option where you would like on the template. In the lower right of the template editor you can change the color of the signature. Once the signature option is placed on the template, the option to Sign Your Photo will appear after the photos are taken.
  • For more information on virtual attendant please click here and here.

Survey: Check the box to enable the survey feature.

  • Create your questions: Create the questions that the guests will need to answer. On the drop down to the right of the question you can select it to be a Short or Long Answer or Multiple Choice. You can also check the Required box so that your guests need to answer the question before they receive their photos.
  • Adding the answer to the template: In the template editor, click on Session Data and choose Survey Question. This will add the answer to the questions to the template.


  • Choose option: Choose between No Video, Photo + Video or Video Only. No video will only provide you with a print, disabling the video option.
  • Length (seconds): Choose the length of your video (up to 30 seconds). 
  • [MAC] Add Pre and Post roll videos to your video as well as overlay.

Green Screen:

  • Options: None - no green screen, only normal prints. Photo Only - photo is shown at the end of the session. Photo + LiveView - liveview of guests with green screen background shown during session as well as photo.
  • Background Selection: Automatic - the background/s that you choose will automatically be applied to the photo. User's Choice - the user can choose one background to be used with the photos.
  • Output Size: Choose the size of the photo output. Auto for Template, 1800x1200 and Maximum.
  • Photo and LiveView: To test out the green screen with a photo, click on the PHOTO option. You can upload a Sample Photo, then use the sensitivity and smoothness controls to perfect the green screen. To test out the green screen with a live image, click on the LIVEVIEW option. You can then use the sensitivity and smoothness controls to perfect the green screen. See this video tutorial here.

Print Settings: 

  • Choose your printer: Choose your printer from the list. The status should say Ready or Online.
  • 2x6 cut: Click on Print Settings -> Preferences -> Advanced to Enable the 2x6 cutting function for strips. See our article on setting up 2x6 prints here.


  • View Images: Click here to access your prints, originals, gifs and video folders. 
  • Slideshow: Opens the slideshow of your prints.
  • [PC] dslr Camera Settings: Here you can change the ISO, shutter speed and other settings for your camera when set to Manual.
  • [PC] dslr Camera Wizard: Recommended settings for the environment and equipment you are using.
  • [PC] Export Event: Export your entire event to a specific location on your computer. Includes the export of prints, originals, gifs and videos.


  • Click the Register button to place yourself on the Standard or Pro Edition you purchased. Place in your email address and the serial number you received from your purchase.


  • Support: Automatically brings you to our support site to get access to help articles.
  • Send Debug Log: In the case that something is not working, we may ask you to send us the debug log so we can check if anything is wrong. 
  • Check for Update: Click this to get access to the latest update (must be within your first year of purchasing the original or once you have renewed) (Mac click on dslrBooth in top left -> Check for Updates)
  • About: Click this to check which version of dslrBooth you are running. This will let you know if you are running the most recent version. 

For further information and tutorials, please go to or 

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    How do I change the activation buttons and locations?

  • 0


    Losque l'on met une "chesse picture" est il possible qu'elle remplace le "1" dans le décompte ??

    When i use the "chesse picture" can i replace the number one in the count down ?




  • 0
    Pedro Jose Casado Ferreira


    How do I change from 4 captures to only 2 or 3?

  • 0
    Jorge Vicente Oliva Gonçalves

    Percebi um item falando sobre renovação de licença e me veio a dúvida: o programa será meu para sempre ou terei de pagar anuidade?

  • 0
    Richie Berganio

    What's the ideal set up for
    Shutter speed

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